The Lifecycle of Dutch Elm Disease

Dutch Elm Disease is a fungal disease that develops a fungus internally within Elm trees. The fungus grows rapidly within the trees eventually blocking off the tree’s vascular system.  This process stops the trees’ water conducting ability, causing the tree to wilt and then die.  The complete demise of a mature Elm, usually can happen within one or two growing seasons.

This devastating disease is mostly spread to other healthy Elm Trees, by 2 kinds of Elm Bark Beetles. (The Native Elm Bark Beetle, and the European Elm Bark Beetle).  These Beetles breed and lay eggs under the bark of dead, dying or cut Elm wood.  The new generation of beetles, emerge from dead and diseased wood, carrying the fungal spores with them on their bodies.  These beetles then move to healthy Elms to feed, spreading the fungal spores, thus spreading the disease. In urban environments with monocultures of Elm trees, growing close together, Dutch Elm Disease can spread underground, via grafted root systems.

If you have Elm tree pruning that is required or if you are concerned about your Elm tree health, contact an Arborist in Edmonton. To protect the Elm trees of Alberta it is essential to have your Elm tree pruning completed by your best Edmonton Arborist.

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